Religion Vs Spirituality
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There is more conflict caused by disagreements and arguments over religion than any other issue on this planet. Why? Shouldn’t One’s choice of religion and whether they choose to follow a particular religion be a matter of personal choice?
Enlightened Beings have been attempting to bring this message forth since the beginning. The message has been to “Seek The Guide Inside”, as The One known as Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within You.” Religions have attempted to record the history of Spiritual experiences in order to share them but how does one convey a Spiritual experience in a book? It can be referenced but it is a poor substitute for The Real Thing.
Too many religions have become exclusionary. Most religions of the world, if not all, begin based upon the teachings of Enlightened Beings but then quickly stray due to the egoistic tendencies of men. It is the way of man to interpret Spiritual teachings in a manner that benefits them.
The Judeo-Christian religion was based upon ten commandments and quickly turned into countless sub-laws and rules of men that had nothing to do with the original instructions in many cases.
Religious leaders of this time will quote these ancient texts and demand that their followers abide by these rules and yet the very leaders and their organizations do not follow them. You will find Christians who will be obedient in “tithing” 10 percent to their local church but will pass right by the hungry and homeless in their own neighborhoods. Why? Because it is easier to give 10 percent than to give ALL as Spirit asks for. It is easier to tithe than to forgive and love those who we feel have wronged us.
Religion requires faith and trust in what is unseen and for some this is the door that opens the way for them to experience The Spiritual World. For others, the hypocrisy and exclusionary philosophy of many religions close the door and send them in another direction to find what they are seeking.
No one can tell another how to walk their path, each must find their own way. Some will find the beginnings of their Enlightenment in the Ancient Texts but the deeper One goes the more it is realized that The Spiritual Experience MUST be a personal one.
This is why I have titled this post Religion vs Spirituality. Not to insinuate that they are in conflict with each other, but to explain the difference. Religion is devised by and administered by men, Spirituality is actually having a Spiritual Experience. While religion is based upon faith, those who profess to be Spiritual are, in my experience seeking to KNOW.
I do not judge anyone for any reason, a person is free to believe as they choose and to follow any religion they like, or not. All are here to learn their own lessons and to find their Own way back to The One, and ALL eventually return to Oneness.
Just because someone isn’t following the same path you are on doesn’t mean they are lost. If you attained Enlightenment in a certain manner, it doesn’t mean that another must find IT in the same manner that You did… Indeed, it is unlikely that anyone will have the same experience.
I see the same kind of arguments within the so called “New Age” movement. I see debates over who has the most DNA activated, the color of auras, channeling, exclusion of others that don’t believe in their particular philosophy. Again, WHY is it necessary that ANYONE believe in the same way that YOU believe about ANYTHING?
Every Being on this planet has evolved to the point they are at through countless individual experiences that make them completely unique and therefor, no other can expect another Being to accept their beliefs just merely based upon faith if that is NOT the way that they are “wired”.
Some Beings simply MUST know things for themselves, this is NOT a bad thing. It is the key to finding The Truth. The hunger to KNOW. Many who claim to have faith stop at a particular point of comfort while the True Seeker NEVER stops because they KNOW there is more.
While becoming Conscious or realizing Oneness does result in a “KNOWING”, it also creates more questions than it answers. I can promise You that IF You have not had a Spiritual Awakening you may be under the misconception that attaining a certain degree of Enlightenment will allow You to know all you want to know.
The Truth is that IF You have a True Spiritual Experience, while it will replace your faith with Knowingness, it will also cause you to question Your Own sanity. You will try to recall or remember events that occurred and in some instances may lose days of your memory and in some cases even weeks.
The Spiritual Path is One that everyone is on, even those Who do not realize it. It is a never ending path. We are ALWAYS learning, We are ALL students and We are ALL teachers. If We are open, We will learn from everyone and everything. Stay open, stay in the now, in the moment so You don’t miss a thing!
Religion is faith in The Unseen, True Spirituality is KNOWING The Unseen…
Judge No One, Forgive Everyone, Love Everyone –
We are ALL Brothers and Sisters.
In Lak’ech Ala K’in
Storm Wolf
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