Swara Yoga [ சர யோகா ]
This is one of the Best Book about Swara Yoga [ The Tantric Science of Brain Breathing ] by swami muktibodhananda Load Siva told to his wife umadevi ...In this book have lot of information about our Breathing ,Book will help to do Meditation Work (Dhyana) Pranayama and Awakening Kundalini too.
This Book in PDF format and just 3 mb file,
சித்தர் நூல்: ஞான சர
சரத்தை அறிந்தவன் பரத்தை அறிந்தவன்
- நாஞ்சில் நாட்டுப்பழமொழி
இந்த சித்தர் சரநூல் சாஸ்திரம் என்பது சிவன் பார்வதிக்குச் சொல்லி , பார்வதி நந்திதேவருக்குச் சொல்லி, நந்திதேவர் அகஸ்தியருக்குச் சொல்லி, அகஸ்தியர் பதிணென் சித்தர்களுக்கு சொல்லி, சித்தர் பரம்பரை வரும் அனை
Thank: சிவன் சித்தர்
othere link:
Saram (சரம்) – The term used to denote ancient Tamil’s breath science
Bursting a Sara-Vedi (சரவெடி) is an enjoyable and spectacle event and last week it happened to me when I involved in entertaining my son by firing the left over crackers of thisDeepavali season. Whenever I came across any substances named with the term Saram(சரம்) as prefix or suffix, my mind wind up with the thoughts on ancient Tamil’s breath scienceSaram.
In Tamil, there are lots of words possess the term Saram as prefix or suffix and it is possible to understand the etymology of the word Saram by understanding the meaning of these words. Few examples are,

1. Sara-Vedi (சரவெடி) – Orderly tied crackers (ranges from 100 to 10,000).
2. Sara-Vilakku (சரவிளக்கு) – Oil lamp hanging in orderly connected metal rings.
3. Sara-Konrai (சரக்கொன்றை) – A plant species botanically known as Cassia fistula having orderly arranged yellow flowers in its inflorescence.
4. Muthu-Saram (முத்துச்சரம்) – Orderly tied Pearls.
5. Poo-Saram (பூச்சரம்) – Orderly tied flowers.
An orderly arrangement of a same substance is common to the above all terminologies and through this interpretation, we can convincingly explain the term associated with science of breath Saram as (subtle) flow of the breath energy (Pranan - பிராணன்) in a sequence / uniform manner / continuous order in human body.
As per the ancient Indian medical science, the breath energy is flowing through two major subtle channels viz. Idakalai (இடகலை) and Pinkalai (பிங்கலை) in human body.
Idakalai: Breath energy flow channel ranges from right big toe to left nostril
Pinkalai: Breath energy flow channel ranges from left big toe to right nostril
The ancient Indian science community known as Siddhars explains these two intersecting breath energy flow channels by comparing it with the crossover nature of the scissors (கத்தரிக்கோல் மாறலாக).
( all Source from Internet)
I downloaded Saranool tamil version, thank u so much...
ReplyDeletehi am gomathi how to download tamil version bcos i tried but cannot downloaded
DeleteThank you very much for uploading such a rare and useful documents beneficial to the people interested in Yoga
ReplyDeleteThank you one again
New Delhi
ReplyDeleteI am 80 yrs old. Possible to learn "vasi yoga" ? Kindly
guide. Thanks.
Anbudan S.V.
Ayya just read Above book (Swara Yoga [ ஞான சர ] ) .. this one step more than "Vasi Yoga" .. this is my personal view ...
ReplyDeleteSir, my Id.balasri36@gmail.com
Anbudan s.v.
Please anyone can send the book to anbu.cit@gmail.com? I am unable to download.