Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Vaishnava NavaGraha Temples in Kumbakonam

Many are aware and visit the Navagraha temples [ Nava Tirupathi ]around Kumbakonam area in Thanjavur.
Source: Sthala puranam book of Thiruvelliyankudi

However many are not aware that apart from the nine Shiva temples, there is also the Vaishnava Navagraha Kshetras, a set of nine Vishnu temples in and around Kumbakonam corresponding to the Navagraha. In all these temples Lord Vishnu itself is worshiped to get relief from the Graha Doshas.

Surya (Sun) : Sarangapani Perumal in Kumbakonam. Lord married Lakshmi as Komalavalli and is seen with bow Sarnga. Significance considered second only to Srirangam Ranganatha.
Sri Sarangapani temple (Thirukudanthai-Kumbakonam)

chandran(Moon) : Jagannatha Perumal in Nathankoil or Nandipura Vinnagaram near Pazhaiyarai. Chandra and Nandi worshiped Lord here.
Sri Naadan Kovil (Thirunandipura vinnagaram)
Sevvai or Mangal (Mars ): Srinivasa Perumal in Nachiarkoil. Lakshmi married Lord as Vanjulavalli Nachiar. All Vyuha forms of Lord are seen in sanctum.
Nachiyaar Kovil (Thirunaraiyur)
Image result for Nachiyar Kovil

Budhan (Mercury): Valvil Raama in Pullamboothangudi near Swamimalai. Reclining Raama. Lord performed last rites of Jatayu here.
Valvil Ramar Kovil (Thirupullamboothangudi)
Image result for Valvil Ramar Kovil (Thirupullamboothangudi)
Guru (Jupiter ) : Andalakkum Aiyan in Adhanur near Swamimalai. Kamadhenu prayed here. Lord's idol said to be growing every year.
Andallakummaiyyan (Thiruaadhanoor)
Shukra: Kolavilli Raama in Thiruvelliyangudi near Cholapuram. Vishnu gave Darshan as beautiful Reclining Raama. Shukra got back his eyesight here. Visiting this alone said to be equal to visiting all 108 Divya Desam temples. Sri Kolavilli Ramar kovil
Valvil Ramar kovil (Thiruvelliyankudi) 
Shani (Saturn ): Oppiliappan Perumal in Oppiliappankoil near Thirunageswaram. Bhoomi Devi incarnated as daughter of Markandeya and married Lord Venkatesha here.
Image result for Oppiliappan Kovil (Thiruvinnagar)
Rahu: Gajendra Varadha Perumal in Kapisthalam. Hanuman prayed here and got Darshan of Gajendra Moksham scene. Gajendra Varadan kovil (Thirukavithalam) https://temple.dinamalar.com/en/New_en.php?id=347
Image result for Thirukavithalam

Kethu: Jagathrakshaka Perumal in Thirukkudalur Aduthurai near Kapisthalam. Lord Varaha dug into earth from this place to battle with Hiranyaksha. A self formed Shankha can be seen in the temple's jackfruit tree.
Image result for Thirukoodalur

Mandi Saranathan Kovil (Thirucherai)

All nine temples are easily approachable from Kumbakonam.
Sometimes Thirucherai Saranatha Perumal temple is added to the list representing Mandhi, the son of Shani.



  1. Thanks Hari...
    Very useful information.
    I think it to be reach most of the people know...
    Once again I Thank You for posting this.

  2. Outstanding explanation! The way everything is laid out makes it easy to understand. Much appreciated!

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