Friday, August 9, 2019

Tiger Hill in Omallure Kerala, India

Tiger Hill in Omallure. MAHASAMADHI (Kerala, India) about my Param guru and his Mahasamadhi in 1986 year: "in the Tamil month Panguni star Pururuttati, April 6, 1986 year in your astrological 723-first birthday, in front of many admirers of Bhagavan realized MAHASAMADHI. In ancient scriptures says that no one can achieve Samadhi in your birth month. Brahmananda surpassed and these restrictions, thus showing his boundless strength. 
He sat in his room in padmasane and pranayama. He then said Džanardanu: "I'm leaving", and handed him a mantra. Brahmananda bequeathed to people chanting this mantra: OM NAMO ŚIVAYA NAMAH OM SHIVA OM NAMO NAMAH PRABHAKARAJÂ ŚIVAYA OM SHIVA OM NAMO NAMAH PRABHAKARAJÂ ŚIVAYA OM SHIVA OM SHANTI, SHANTI PRABHAKARAJÂ, ŠANTIHI Then above his head a loud click, a strong vibration, and the light came out of his body through the top of the head. In the two years prior to the MAHASAMADHI of Swami warned of this moment. 

A realization of Brahmanandy manifested itself as the pervasive body of wisdom (jnana-DEHA), a body of pure elements (pranava-DEHA) and fully implemented throughout the body (Siddha-DEHA), where he had several at different times in different places.
One of the bodies he has implemented in Omallure. After his MAHASAMADHI has such a body of up to sixty centimetres. It is not subject to decomposition and emits very strong vibrations, purifying the consciousness of everyone who is not only the temple but also at a large distance from it. Even today, after ten years, his body still smells sweet.
Swami Brahmananda said: Samadhi is not death, but just a day when I'm gone ".
On this day, Swami personally prepared the food, distributed it to their fans and become immersed in Samadhi of light. Eyewitnesses of the events described various incredible phenomena that occur in the time before their eyes. They saw suddenly emerged a hurricane. Seen as lightning and clouds have delayed the whole sky and as electricity went out. Wind power has destroyed all incredible, and lightning flashed all over the place. All of this took place in unusual silence − neither people nor animals don't make no sound ... 

Swamiji promised to be back in three bodies and said that perhaps in his next birth it will come as a Yogini.
He bequeathed the Tiger Hill as a shrine for all lovers of all persuasions. All have equal rights in this holy place. Any one can worship and revere the place, offering him gifts and engaged in puja. It is believed that visiting this place at least once already will never forget and will receive an infinite blessing. Each month devoted admirers of Brahmanandy hand out food on Tiger Hill. 

By the way, in March 2015. -It is in this location will be opening his Museum, the pilgrimage program and workshop on yoga. If anyone is interested write to lichku Smiley "smile". Om Shanti!

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